Carbidopa and levodopa
For adults with Parkinson’s disease
People walking a dog
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a real person with Parkinson’s disease

For adults with Parkinson’s disease (PD)

From lunch to leash to lake

Stay in step with your day with CREXONT: More “Good On” time* with less frequent dosing compared with 
immediate-release carbidopa/levodopa (IR CD/LD)†

*“Good On” time is defined as “On” time without troublesome dyskinesia.

†As seen in a clinical study.

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Take your next step

More “Good On” time* with less
frequent dosing compared to IR CD/LD

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Designed to gradually release levodopa

CREXONT is designed to gradually release levodopa in the part of the gut where it is best absorbed, although the exact site and duration of absorption is unknown
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More “Good On” time*

People who took CREXONT an average of 3 times a day achieved 30 minutes more “Good On” time per day than those taking IR CD/LD an average of 5 times a day

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Personalized dosing

CREXONT dosing starts at 3 times per day for most patients, though dosing may start at 2 to 3 times per day. After 1 to 3 days, your doctor may adjust your dose or frequency. CREXONT may be dosed up to 4 times a day

Are you optimizing your “Good On” time* with your current Parkinson’s disease treatment?

IR CD/LD has been the standard of care for treating PD for many years—it’s designed to work quickly but may wear off quickly too.

Birthday Image

Are you ready to ask your doctor about CREXONT?

Your “On” time matters—talk with your doctor today to see if you can get more “Good On” time* with CREXONT.


*“Good On” time is defined as “On” time without troublesome dyskinesia.

†As seen in a clinical study.

‡Change in “Good On” time was measured by comparing values at the end of study to baseline; P=0.019 vs IR CD/LD.

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